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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/12/2015
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting (2ndThursdays at 7 pm)
Minutes of Meeting February 12, 2015
Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office

Members Present:  Bob Mann, Zack Boyajian, Mariane Hromis, Frank Harrison, Blaze Konefal,
Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall

Call to Order by Bob Mann at 7:06 pm.
Minutes of the meetings on 1/8/15 and 1/20/15 approved.

•     We reviewed a copy of the NH Municipal Conservation Fund Guidebook (RSA 36-A)
•     The Shirley Waters Estate is being processed by the designated law group.  A thoughtful gift of money (final sum yet to be determined) for the Conservation purposes has been announced by the executors of the estate, as soon as all the executive actions are complete.
•     Nik Coates (NH State Conservation Commission Director) will visit the Chichester Commission on March 12, 2015 to review our plans and procedures and help guide our future plans for the town.

a.      Public Outreach:  no new items
b.      Land Conservation: Frank Harrison will research select foreclosure property in town to ascertain potential conservation land value.
c.      Spaulding Town Forest: A warrant article will be voted on at the upcoming Town Meeting (March 14, 2015) regarding funds for survey and resetting of select boundary points on the Spaulding Town Forest.
d.      Carpenter Park: Zack Boyajian shared extended plans for Carpenter Park, including new construction of an improved utility structure on site and expanded playground facilities.  See the Parks and Recreation Committee minutes for more details.  Mariane Hromis will research natural alternatives to chemical control for invasive plant species.  The group endorsed the creation of a proposal pilot plan for using grazing livestock in a small area of the park.  Any further action in this direction will be presented to the selectmen for comment.
e.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Steve Walker (NH State official) has proposed a meeting with a property owner adjacent to the MSCA to discuss conservation land management.
f.      Easement stewardship:  All easements have been reviewed and documented.  2015 will begin in spring.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm.  Minutes prepared by Frank Harrison
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 7 pm, Public Invited